Finding Balance

As I was writing an Instagram post on balance, I felt compelled to write a whole blog article about it, because I feel it so important to have right now, especially during these times of uncertainty, confusion, and fear. All the external influences of watching or reading fear-based media, experiencing traumatic events, and thinking negative thoughts about yourself and others can cause your internal energy center to become off-balanced pretty easily. When your energy is off-balanced, then you don’t feel like yourself and aren’t living the life you were meant to live. Finding balance allows your natural life force energy to flow easily through your chakras, or energy centers, allowing you to feel inspired, connected, joyful, and loving.

Signs You Are Unbalanced

A good practice is to check in with yourself every week to see how you are feeling. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I feel connected to my True Self and my emotions?

  • Do I feel connected to others?

  • Do I feel connected to the Divine?

  • Do I feel connected to the Earth?

  • Am I feeling good emotionally, physically, spiritually?

  • Am I able to easily find joy throughout my day?

  • Am I able to easily express my truth?

  • Do I feel loved?

  • Do I feel accomplished?

  • Do I feel motivated and inspired by my work?

If you answered ‘no’ to any of these questions, then chances are, you are off-balanced. Explore the questions further. For example, if you answered ‘no’ to the question ‘do I feel loved?’, then go deeper and ask yourself the following:

  • Am I saying ‘I love you’ to myself every day?

  • Am I engaging in at least 1 self-care activity each day?

  • Am I getting enough physical touch?

  • Am I spending enough time with my family and loved ones?

  • Am I closing myself off from others?

  • Do I have a wall built around my heart?

  • Do I feel like I am able to be vulnerable and express my emotions?

How to Find Balance in Your Life

Write down all the areas in your life where you spend your time and energy. I felt called to investigate my own life today, and these are the areas I wrote down:

  1. Spiritual needs/self-healing

  2. Business

  3. Friends

  4. Family

  5. Husband

  6. Home

  7. Physical Exercise

  8. Nature

  9. Play/Hobbies

My Guides pointed out that my list included 9 different areas. The number 9 in numerology represents completion. I heard the message: You need all 9 in order to feel complete. That was a huge ah-ha for me! Amazing how the Universe works!

Looking at your own list, highlight the areas you feel are being neglected right now. If you don’t feel like you are loved, then you might be neglecting areas such as spirituality, friends, and family. Write down a few activities you can do over the next week where you can dedicate more time and energy to those areas. For example:

  • Spirituality: meditate 5 minutes a day; work with rose quartz or amethyst crystals; connect with your spirit guides & angels

  • Friends: call Susie Q; schedule Zoom happy hour with soul tribe; join a MeetUp group

  • Family: call sister; have family over for Sunday dinner; tell your Mom you love her

After a week, check in again and ask yourself the same questions, going through the same exercise listed above. Doing weekly spirit checks will not only keep your mind, body, and soul healthy and balanced but will also improve your intuition/self-awareness and allow the time and space for deep self-healing to occur.

Balance is the Key to a Happy & Fulfilling Life

It is profoundly important to become aware of your own life and assess the areas that may need more or less attention. When you find balance in all aspects of your life, you find harmony within yourself, and when you feel solid within, you can handle anything!

Happy Healing!





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